Kathleen Verret

Bilingual Teacher

Yoga and meditation enthusiast for more than 15 years, she was introduced to EGYPTIAN YOGA, CHINESE YOGA and HATHA YOGA mainly by Xavier Hussein of the International Yoga Institute founded by Yogi Babacar KHANE. She completed her teacher training in HATHA YOGA (300 hours) with Swami Kâlikânanda Saraswati (Sophie Laroche) as well as specialized training in RESTORATIVE YOGA (50 hours, Marie-Daphné Roy, Bhavana yoga).

Trained in MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) with Alain Gagnon, founder of Espace full conscience, she recommends and teaches a yoga that promotes kindness and the development of FULL CONSCIENCE. She regularly participates in yoga and Vipassana and hridaya meditation retreats. Finally, in the fall of 2023, she begins advanced training in HATHA YOGA (150 hours, teacher level 2) with Swami Kâlikânanda Saraswati.

Being an engineer and MFA (Master of Fine Arts), Kathleen has 20 years of experience in management and strategic direction of projects in the technological development and information sectors. She works for a technology development and transfer company specializing in the environment and sustainable development sectors.

“Yoga has, for several years, been a way of life, even an everyday form of hygiene, which allows me to refocus, breathe and keep in good physical and mental shape. It is with joy, conviction and kindness that I share its benefits through teaching.”

She offers bilingual classes when possible.