Restorative Yoga

Bilingual class : French & English

Monday 5:00 to 06:30 pm

This anti-stress course is ideal as a complement to your sporting activities or during periods of life when rest is essential, during convalescence, for example. Using accessories to support the body, restorative yoga aims to gently explore postures accessible to everyone in ease, comfort, calm and presence.

The postures maintained allow rest, light stretching of the muscle chains, decompression of the joints and a healthy response of the autonomic nervous system by promoting the “relaxation response”. The practice will be balanced with movement, stabilization and strengthening exercises that respect everyone’s abilities in terms of flexibility and muscular strength (variations or adjustments will be proposed).

The overall approach aims to regenerate and strengthen vital energy as well as to develop one’s ability to slow down, feel, let go and relax.

Prerequisites : No specific prerequisites, just being able to get on the ground. Support accessories (blocks, bolsters, chairs, yoga wall, etc.) are made available to students by the Yoga Center.

Target audience : Restorative yoga is aimed at everyone who wants to slow down, treat themselves to a moment of recovery and take care of themselves. More particularly, restorative yoga helps support students who are limited by injuries, pathologies, severe fatigue or exhaustion. It is particularly suitable for sensitive backs and joints.

Teacher : Kathleen Verret

We are in the process of translating our website and our registration platform. Be patient! If you do not speak or read French, call us for more information or to register : 418-688-3003.