Virtual Classes – Zoom or Hybrid

Since March 2020, the course offerings at the Sainte-Foy Yoga Center have evolved significantly to adapt to the new reality. We always offer, when the situation permits, face-to-face courses. We have enhanced our offering with hybrid courses (face-to-face and Zoom simultaneously) and 100% Zoom courses.

Hybrid mode is therefore a teaching mode in which students are in the room with the teacher and others are on Zoom simultaneously. You must select In Room (Personal) or Zoom when choosing your subscription and it is not possible to change during the session.

If you are registered in the Room (face to face) your choice prevails for the entire session. Same thing if you are registered via Zoom. For the moment, we do not offer any offline courses, all our teaching is done in the presence of a teacher and in real time. We continue to evaluate the different options available to us, but for the moment, we remain faithful to our mission and our more classic approach to the bond between the teacher and his students. We wish you an excellent session.

Technical support

We are not qualified to offer you technical support and the Sainte-Foy Yoga Center is not responsible if you lose your connection links or if you have difficulty connecting to your virtual classes. However, we offer these technical support elements for informational purposes in the hope that it will be useful to you. You remain responsible for the proper functioning of your computer equipment and your connection on time.